Wing bean shrimp salad

Raw material & Ingredients

  1. Traditional thai seafood sauce J-Lek
  2. Chilli paste J-Lek
  3. Winged bean
  4. Coconut milk
  5. Red onion
  6. Ground peanuts
  7. Roasted coconut
  8. Fried garlic
  9. Minced pork (boiled)
  10. Shrimp (boiled)

Cooking Step

  1. Boil Wing bean until cooked.
  2. Mix Thai Seafood sauce “J-Lek”, Chili paste “J-Lek”, coconut milk, shallot, roasted coconut flakes, ground peanut, fried garlic, boiled minced pork, boiled shrimp, blend together.
  3. Ready to eat.


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