Two sukiyaki sauce for grilled

Raw material & Ingredients

  1. Sukiyaki sauce J-Lek
  2. Garlic
  3. Chilli
  4. Culantro
  5. Lime juice
  6. Fried garlic
  7. Celery
  8. Sesame oil

Cooking Step

How to make 2 styles of spicy sukiyaki dipping sauce

1st style

  1. Pour J-Lek sukiyaki sauce into a small cup.
  2. Add chopped garlic, sliced chili, minced parsley, 1 table spoon of lime juice and mix them well.

2nd style

  1. Pour J-Lek sukiyaki sauce into a small cup.
  2. Add chopped garlic, fried garlic, sliced chili, celery, sesami oil and mix them well.


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